My teaching interests lie in courses related to technology and analytics in marketing.
Teaching Experiences at UW-Madison (Course designer and instructor):
Technology Product Marketing (undergrad/MBA), Spring 2023, Spring 2024
MBA average rating: 4.83/5 (2023), 4.98/5 (2024)
Undergrad average rating: 4.53/5 (2023), 4.78/5 (2024)
Quotes from anonymous student evaluation forms:
“Yi is super fun and I never felt bored in his class. He gave me some eye-opening aspect of thinking abt Tech Marketing.”
“I like Prof. Yi style of teaching, mixing humor with academics. It made the class more engaging.”
“Yi did an amazing job of showing passion for his work and also making sure his course was up to date with topical examples.”
“Professor LIU makes this class one of the best in the MBA program. The content we learn is very applicable for my future job”
“Yi Liu is my favorite instructor. He encouraged my peers and me to contribute our critical thinking and shape our mindset related to tech marketing. He knew how to engage us in the class content and delivered the content in easy to understand and fun with tons of new knowledge. I strongly recommend any tech person or marketer to take Yi' class. I gave him kudo compliments for motivating students love tech marketing.”
“Ei! 100% 5-star good professor, okai? So humorous and funny, okai? Course content is so good, okai? You are my current favorite prof in this University, okai? Please keep your teaching methods and style, okai?”
“This class and professor is the best!! Yi was very welcoming, funny, and provided engaging lectures that kept me coming back every week. He deeply cares about our success as students, and will do everything he can to ensure that all of his students are set up for succeeding in the class, in projects, simulations, and exams. This was my favorite class by far this semester! I have no negative comments for Yi, he was absolutely spot on in teaching and I thoroughly enjoyed his technology marketing course!”
Teaching Experiences at Tsinghua University (Course instructor):
Analytical Models in Marketing (PhD), Summer 2023
Teaching Experiences at Wharton (TA):
Pricing Strategies (undergrad/MBA), Spring 2022
Data and Analysis for Marketing Decisions (undergrad/MBA), Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020
Analytical Models in Marketing (PhD), Spring 2020
Models for Marketing Strategy (undergrad/MBA), Fall 2019